If everyone are dying to find a peaceful place to go, a home to live, a warm weather to feel, a good sleep, a comfortable seat to sit, a great song to listen, a good book to read, a great potrait to hang on my room's wall, a sweet moment to remember, a perfect life and a true love.
But not me cause I already have you.
But why you?
Let's see (:
-I've never seen any peaceful place to go other than your heart cause every time I feel your heart, I can feel the peace inside of yours that never failed touching mine.
And that's the only thing that could kiss away my problems and put a smile on my face.
-And when I'm lost on finding a home for my self, all I have to do is remember you cause you keep reminding me that you will always have a place in your heart that I can call home and make me feel safe.
-I don't need a warm weather if I got you cause you can keep me warmer more than I need as long as you never stop holding my hand.
So please, never leave.
-When I close my eyes at night, I'll see you lying beside me and when I open my eyes in the morning, I can still see you staring at me and give me a morning kiss.
I guess that's the reason why I never found my self having a bad sleep cause you never leave me alone even in my dreams.
-I only can find my self a comfortable seat when you sit beside me while hugging me and show me your best smile cause seeing you smile and having you beside me will always make me comfortable.
-I also got my own fav song and you were the one who gave it to me.
It's your voice, the most lovely song I've ever heard and I don't need other song to make me smile as long as I still can hear your voice.
-I have loads books but I only got one fav book that never bored me even if I read the same thing many times and it's my diary cause it's all abt you from the first page till the last page.
-And I would only choose one potrait for my room and that potrait is a potrait of your face cause I want to remember every inch of your sweet face.
The face of guy that I really deadly in love.
-And my only sweet moment is when you came into my life and I found your heart sticking to mine cause trust me without you there will be no sweet moment exist.
-A perfect life to me is to live my life with you, the one I love and even if I got everything, it still nothing to me cause for me you are my truly everything and without you, I might be end up my self just like everyone.
My love, maybe I can list down thousands reasons why I chose you but I could never find any perfect right words to tell you how much I love you.
Trust me, I might give up on everything but I would never give up on you cause you are my everything and where ever you may go, I'll always be with you.
I love you more than I can show (:
***You might think Im crazy and weird but have you think abt the person who changed me from a stonehearted girl into sweetsugar girl? Ask your heart, you got the answer. Heart never lies, boy (:
Ara Dcruz <3