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2Days ago my parents balik then ketuk bilik I,
So yeah diaorg masuk lah bila I buka pintu.
Memang bawa berita mengejutkan, menakutkan dan juga mengembirakan.
My dad suruh I pilih samada I nak masuk college next year atau pun sambung EDI and Pass Olevel I untuk pergi Japan.
My dad nak I handle my own business dulu, Memang menakutkan bila I dengar -.-
Damn. Pa, Im not interested with business at this age lah, Im still young kot.
Well, guys its 23k for 16YO yang nak masuk college. What If I tak pass? And retake balik? Damn bazir duit parents je okay.
But My dad said he dont mind. Dia nak I jadi mcm my aunty and of course better than himself or Mama.
But dude, Im 15 for god sake. Im still young for all this business shit =.=
I dont mind if my dad nak I pass my EDI and O level then fly to Japan cause atleast tu tak rush mcm my dad's plan. I takut I tak boleh bawa those course je.
Bila I cakap nak jadi lawyer my dad kata tak boleh -.-
Fine then, Politician like you dad >.<'
Atleast still ada kaitan dgn Law.
Now I knw why my dad advance studies I untuk 5 years.
But kinda hard now, Apa yang I belajar semua tak boleh masuk dlm paper PMR -.-
Diaorg just tanda formula untuk 15/pmr victims. And I pula belajar lebih cepat dari diaorg. Pft.
So if I guna formula form 4->stpm tetap tak diterime sbb diaorg just ikut textbooks.
And now I kene berusaha ingat balik form 3 punya jalan kerja.
I know the answers but tak ada guna kalau jalan kerja I keluar Addmaths :/
Now I dah pening. Pftt.
If I pilih EDI and O level - 6months Japan, 2 years half Aus, 1 year half in Russia/German.
And if I pilih nak masuk college next year, I tak tahu if I boleh pass pun. Mcm rush sangat :/
Dip awal2. Lepas tu tak dpt nak enjoy masa muda. Then terus kerja je.
Wtf, Haih =.=
well, actually i dunno what to say lor, just choose then take what the best and right..that's all i can say..
Thanks honey :/
I'll try, Pft
wow your father really push u hard...
i think maybe...just maybe....
go againts him this time...
you're too young 4 that kind of education level....
babe, buat EDI & O Level. that's the best dear. sorry if I interfere ni you xselesa. but seriusly, I would to be you :)
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